I've been looking forward to your post! It does not disappoint. How indeed to feel good, how to notice the small feel goods that lead to Great! Like small reminders of oh! Ya...I'd forgotten, mmm.? Like this post of yours, just long enough and full enough to have me feeling great and humming Nina Simone!

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"There were only, what, 15 channels then?" There was only one in my little town : )

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Re the olympics - I love that 4 years ago Rebecca Solnit wrote:

“Simone Biles, who stepped out of competition, the German gymnastics team who chose to compete in tights rather than leotards, the Norwegian handball players who refused to play in ass-baring bikinis (Pink offered to pay their fines), tennis champ Naomi Osaka's refusal to do a press conference immediately after a match and testimony about what a toll those conferences take: these young women are modeling for girls and young women and everyone else how to set boundaries, stand up for yourself, not let others dictate what is right and reasonable, and claim their right to dignity and self-determination and well-being. Women who said no. Women who valued themselves and trusted their judgment.

“For me, who largely ignores sports, these are their finest moves and plays. “‘I have to put my pride aside,’ Biles said afterward. ‘I have to do what's right for me and focus on my mental health and not jeopardize my health and my well-being. So that's why I decided to kind of take a step back. At the end of the day, we're human, too, so we have to protect our mind and our body rather than just go out there and do what the world wants us to do.’”

“I'm proud of her. She made her exit with grace and self-awareness. (But I still wish climate change was getting more coverage than sports this summer. Exiting the age of fossil fuel is the most urgent thing ever, and people are drowning and forests are burning.)” - Rebecca Solnit

And now Simone Biles rocks it again!




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I was at a reunion with college friends when we heard the news about Kamala Harris! It felt good to be with a group of women where I felt welcome to express my joy and not quietly hold it for social media or the few friends I have back home that share my political views.

I’ve been watching the Olympics this weekend and feeling awed by the power and stamina of athletes.

I’ll go back to work tomorrow. I’m a teacher. I love the kids, my 4th grade class is wonderful. Not easy by any means but I can handle it. My principal is another matter. She sucks the joy from the job by demanding daily data on everything we do. I’m there for the kids. Not her.

Your message reminded me there is so much good to be happy about. I need to shift my mindset.

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